What’s New with MakerBot CloudPrint?

Whether you just got a brand new MakerBot METHOD X, or have an five year old Replicator 5th Generation you should be using CloudPrint and here’s why

MakerBot enables 3D printing from anywhere with CloudPrint


While we still offer our desktop app, MakerBot Print, we recommend MakerBot CloudPrint for the best online experience with MakerBot’s 3D printers.

MakerBot CloudPrint has some new features that are unique from our desktop app, such as:

Continuous Updates: We’re updating CloudPrint regularly to make sure you get the latest features & bug fixes as quickly as possible. MakerBot Print is updated on a quarterly cadence.

Live Cloud Print Monitoring: Monitor your printers from anywhere with MakerBot CloudPrint, just by logging into MakerBot CloudPrint in any browser. You can see stats and even check the image from the onboard camera.

Prepare in Advance: Prepare your print jobs ahead of time and add to your printer’s queue. When your printer is ready for the next print, you can just click “Start Next Print”

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New Features | Spring 2021


For the expanding LABS extruder customers and more advanced customers, we have launched a custom print mode feature that allows you to save custom print modes so that you don’t have to keep on changing your settings each time. This feature will allow you to import and export previously saved .printmode files from your desktop or Google Drive.


New support for native CAD files are now available for CloudPrint. You will no longer have to convert your native CAD files to STLs to use CloudPrint. Our CAD converter service currently does not support assembly files. Supported file formats are: .catpart, .dae, .glb, .iges, .igs, .ipt, .obj, .par, .sab, .sat, .sldprt, .wrl, .x_t, .3mf, .stl, .makerbot.

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Carefully tuned parameters to support padded base on the METHOD platform. Padded base alternative to Rafts that saves time and material but requires more precise leveling of the build plate. This is a particularly useful feature for METHOD due to the machine’s easy to use leveling methods. If you value speed, material saving, and curl prevention, try using the padded base instead of rafts!


Over 2500+ settings exposed for customers with LABS extruders. To access, users can go into “Display Expert Settings” and expand the “Experimental Settings” category. You can search for settings using the search bar.

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Take advantage of the maximum build volume that METHOD has to offer by using the single extrusion setting. Just click on the Support Type drop down and select Breakaway - Model Material. Your print use Extruder 1 for both Model and Support material. This will also reduce your overall print time.


See your Print Preview up to 70% faster. Upon clicking print preview, priority is placed on showing a basic image of the print with supports as well as print time and material used. The advance slice will continue in the background.


Advanced Print Preview


Power users have the ability to inspect each layer of the toolpath and play a simulation of the toolpath in 2D print preview mode. You can also view printer statistics at various points of your toolpath, and even compare two prints side by side.


We’ve made significant changes to the app to improve the reliability and usability so you can have full confidence that your job will be accomplished without the headaches.

CloudPrint Tips & Tricks

Here are a few tips to using MakerBot CloudPrint that we think will help you streamline your 3D printing workflow:

ARRANGE BUILD PLATE: Let CloudPrint determine how your model(s) should be arranged on the build plate.

REORDER YOUR QUEUE: Quickly reorder your prints or move them between printers to optimize your workflow with simple drag and drop usability. 

DUPLICATE PRINT JOB: Print your model again with the same settings with just a couple of clicks. 

PRINT SUBMISSION LINK: Generate a link to share with others for them to submit print requests to your workspace.


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