As COVID-19 continues to impact the world, the need for 3D printing solutions to provide supplies to the medical community increases drastically. MakerBot is here to support the medical community at this time to help combat the shortage of necessary supplies. This initiative aims to connect the needs of the medical community with MakerBot and our extensive network to support requests for supplies quickly and efficiently. If you are in need of support, please contact us below.


We are also working with Columbia University Libraries and Tangible Creative to produce, assemble, and deliver face shields to NYC hospitals and health care workers on the front lines. As part of this effort, we are part of COVID Maker Response, a coalition of makers who are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by manufacturing, assembling, and distributing 3D printed protective gear and other parts to frontline medical workers.

Anyone who is interested in joining our efforts can learn more at

If you have access to a 3D printer and would like to print face shields for your local community, you can access the files below:

[0424 UPDATE] We are now also making available files for printers with a smaller build volume. This new files will be able to be handled by most education printers including the MakerBot SKETCH. The file is now modular and composed of 3 basic components: 1 front element and two lateral extensions.

Model by Budmen Industries with modifications by Madiha Zahrah and Eugene Chang

Inside the MakerBot 3D Printing Farm


Covid printing process 2


What are we doing?

Currently MakerBot’s output stands at 460 units per day and an overall team effort of 1,000 units per day. If you are able or interested in helping the effort do reach out!

-Hospitals, medical professionals, and other organizations who are in need of medical supplies can submit their requests for equipment via our online request form. We will monitor the requests and will facilitate a response by us and our partners.

-We are collaborating with students, Medical Doctors, and Designers to print samples for the community, provide design feedback, or answer questions about what can and can not be done with 3D printing.

-MakerBot users and the 3D printing community are also submitting offers to assist in the printing of PPE gear.  We are providing instruction on the printing and assembly of face shields, donating filament, and hardware when applicable.

-Donating hardware and filament to schools, Makerspaces, organizations, and individuals for the purpose of enabling printing of equipment useful for Covid prevention

-Partnering with Columbia University Libraries to produce, assemble, and deliver face shields to NYC hospitals and workers on the front lines. We are printing face shield visors in-house and delivering them for assembly. 

-Quickly fulfilling demand for printers required to produce needed parts for the prevention of the coronavirus.

Assembly Process


Covid Masks delivery 2

Guide and Design for Rapidly Produced Face Shields

What is the problem?

As the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to spread around the world, the global shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) becomes more acute. With a 3D printer, however, it is possible—while supplies last—for ordinary citizens to manufacture PPE and make them available to hospitals and clinics in their communities.

MakerBot’s Global Innovation Center Customers Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis

We would like to recognize all of the hard work being done by several of our Innovation Centers customers worldwide. Each of these Innovation Centers have been working tirelessly to mass produce components for face masks, face shields, and other personal protection equipment in the fight against COVID-19 utilizing their 3D printers.

Innovation Centers who are involved in 3D printing supplies for COVID-19


We applaud all of our partners, customers, and others who are taking up the initiative to 3D print much-needed equipment for healthcare providers around the globe. MakerBot will continue to support the fight against COVID-19.