EDU Webinar

Augmented Reality and 3D Printing in the Classroom


Librarian and Educator
Susan Sclafani

Join school librarian, Susan Sclafani, as she shows us how she got started with 3D printing in the classroom. Then, learn as she walks us through her path fusing 3DBear’s augmented reality (AR) education app and 3D printing together with exciting problem-based learning lesson plans in the classroom.

What you will learn about

See how Susan took ownership of AR and 3D printing and got her students excited about the possibilities of these technologies.
Learn about Susan’s lessons involving social and emotional learning, storytelling, and enabling students to design solutions for their surroundings.
Receive one-month free access to the 3DBear app when you watch the webinar!
• EXCLUSIVE: Activation of your one-month of free access to 3DBear before October 31 will automatically enter you in a drawing to win a one-year classroom subscription to 3DBear*.